A year in my life, from the day I was diagnosed and for the full year after. Walk with me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 20 Through the Looking Glass

I am drinking 3 whey casein protein shakes a day, have quit drinking alcohol, and am eating fruit, vegetables and lean protein meals.  That's when I am hungry enough to eat a meal as the shakes are very filling.  The theory is that I am giving my body what it needs to build strong healthy cells, epithelial, and muscle tissues.  This will enable me to heal well and fight infection effectively.  It takes a concerted effort to make a protein shake that I can stomach and then proceed to stomach said shake.  It is taking up alot of time and effort and I hate those shakes, they are not nearly as comforting as a glass of red wine and a steak.  Sigh.

My days of eating what I wish are over.  Now I eat to live and nourish a healthy body and immune system.  I do not eat what cancer craves. 

I also own two brand new recliners.  Given my new healthy eating plan I find this silly and it illustrates my wacky new life.

 I shop online for camisoles with concealed pockets for drains and fake booby pillows to simulate a normal shape.  They are so expensive I have to file insurance to afford them.  So much for my miserly TJ Maxx pricing standards.

My husband did the ironing today.  Nothing makes sense anymore.


Laurie said...

The camisoles are actually perfect and give the extra support needed to feel comfortable. You might want to read "The China Study" for insight on your dietary choices. Additionally, I am avoiding the hidden estrogens in chicken, soy, and flax. No on said this was an easy game, but worth the effort. Good luck.

zenmama said...

Laurie, which camisoles did you like? I have found two, Softees and the one on the American Cancer Society website. I have to order them on the internet.

Greener Pastures--A City Girl Goes Country said...

Well that would throw me for a loop too, my husband ironing.

Darwin said...

Despite the horror you're living through right now, your sense of humor shines on in, as usual, my friend. I love the part about Lane doing the ironing. Nothing makes sense anymore. Oh, the irony of it all ... I love you.